Friday, February 26, 2010

The attack of the crawlers!

Little Miss Brianna and Little Mister Toby are now mobile!!! Besides the fact that it's so adorable to watch them heading for what their hearts desire at that moment, it's also entertaining to see that what they want at that moment happens to NEVER be a toy.  You know all the toys we so much of our money on, lol.  Makes you wonder... hey why not just buy them a bunch of CDs they can just ruin and you don't feel bad, or how about a cell phone, lol.   It's all in fun of course, and their curious minds are just learning from everything they touch, taste, smell, etc.

Hard to believe pretty soon my little girl will be one of those crawling into trouble babies.  I'll be the mom yelling, "Don't push that button", "Don't pull on those wires", "Don't go there".  Ahhhhh this is gonna be so much fun! AND so much exercise running after these babies. LOL  I so am loving watching them grow!!!! <3

1 comment:

  1. right now they took out toys n left them in the middle of the living room and going for my cell phone,remote controls,wires,...etc
