Friday, August 20, 2010

Day @ the farm

This was a super cute day, and would've been cuter if Lana walked with the twins.  =D But that will come soon.  The pictures say it all, but I'll let you know some details along with the pix. Enjoy!

Toby is getting ready to flirt with some little (but older) girls.

There's that scary Rooster!!! Toby & Lana didn't enough the chicken house, but they don't mind the birds from a distance.  Although, it does look like Toby is slowly backing away, lol.

A little bit of love to our baby goat friend. "Baaaaa" Bri walked around giving her love to every animal she can touch.  Lana really enjoyed touching our furry friends. Toby needed to get into it. 

Here's Toby being Brave! GO TOBY! =P

=D YAY! Our little goat friend came to see Lana! <3

She's watching all the goaties walking and Baaaaa(ing)

Feed us NOW!!!

Lana being cute! Or is she plotting her next step? LOL

Toby is chewing on the bagel like it's the best thing in the world.  Bri is planning to make her escape, lol.

Vroom, Vroom!!! Lana clamped onto that wheel and did not want to let go.  She bounced around while moving the wheel left then right.  She really looked like she was trying to drive, lol.  It was so cute!!!

One of my favorite pix of the day. Blue skies, Green grass, and a beautiful little girl!

3 munchkins! <3

4 months later...

Wow!  I didn't realize it's been 4 months since I wrote in here! Lots has changed! Toby & Brianna are now walking, running, chasing, and being little trouble makers.  I enjoy every minute of their adventures.  They all share their food, drinks, but toys... not so much!  The twins still make it a point to take away any toy Lana is playing with.  One time, she got so upset that she snatched it right back and held onto it with a slightly angry face.  Don't mess with Little Lana anymore!

Lately, Lana & Brianna get along, but Toby picks on her.  He can be mean, like Brianna is mean to him at times.  We went to the park with the 3 kids.  The girls were in the Radio Flyer wagon, and as I'm pulling them I here Lana cracking up.  I turned around and it looked like Bri was making her laugh hysterically.  I wish I knew what they were thinking cause it seemed to be really funny to Lana, and Bri was giggling every time Lana laughed, lolol.

Here's some updates with pictures from the past few months:

This is how I used to feed them.  Little bit to everyone.  Normally, Toby would just pass the food to the next person because he didn't want to eat it, lol.  They found it funny watching each other eat. 
Cheesing at Baba's.  It was her birthday and she wanted pix of them together.

Pool day... this was a cute day... sorta.  Started off with all of them crying, and ended with just Toby still crying.  If you look in the background, you can see Lana crawling back to the pool. Silly carebear.  Once Brianna got used to it, she enjoyed walking around in the water.

I love the patriotic outfits!  They look so darn cute!  Taking this picture on the other hand was not easy at all. Lana must've crawled out 3 times, Bri's bow was pulled off by Toby, not one wanted to stay still.  Then I was quick, and got to capture this cute pic. Cheese!!!

This was the day Brianna made Lana crack up in the radio flyer.  How cute do they look in there.  I love it!!!  And can you see Auntie Angie & Brianna in the background in the other pic?  I thought that was cute! =D Lana was enjoying the tube.  She likes tubes and crawling through them.  

They all had their first quarter horsey ride.  Toby was the only one who liked it.  You can't tell in this pic, but I missed the part where he was smiling and loving it.  When the horse stopped, he cried for more.   The girls on the other hand begged to get off, lol.

One day at Baba's.  I went to change Lana's diaper and come back to this.  As Angie said, what's the point of having a double stroller, if they are perfectly fine in a single, lol.  Looks like Lana is asking them, why they are in her stroller, and Bri is saying you snooze... you loose, lol.  Make room guys, maybe you can squeeze all 3 of you in there. =P 

That's all for now! 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day @ the park...

Was a lovely day and I decided to meet up with you guys at a park.  These kids are too cute together.  The pictures will just have to speak for the blog today.  Words can't describe.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A week with the kids...

I just spent just about a whole week with 3 kids.  Oh, how they've changed since 4 months ago when I started watching these little "innocent" toddlers.  Between the walkers turning into bumper cars, and the crawling everywhere they can reach, and the running away naked... I'm exhausted, lol.  

The bumper cars attack!  Their goal is to crash into anything, lol...including grandma's legs.  She was all bruised up by the first day.  They also use those things to get their little sticky hands on anything available to them.  Boy, how exciting it's going to be when they start walking on their own. 

No sleep!  5:30am, my little girl wakes up for her mommy's milk and in the process wakes up Toby, which only results in waking Brianna up.  And now the party began.  Not one of them wanted to fall back asleep.  They were so excited to have each other and no matter what you did they would not go to sleep. Can't there be a special milk that makes them sleepy??? This milk seemed to have some caffeine that I did not know about, lol.  8:30am, One goes down after another, after another.... and then I do. 

NO CLOTHES!!! Changing Lana is difficult.  She is twisting and turning as soon as her diaper comes off.  For now, she is kinda controllable, but BRIANNA, OMG!  She refused clothes all together.  Granny was changing her and she crawls away with a quickness.  Belle (granny's dog) got so excited to see the natural side of a baby, and started jumping around Brianna and playing with her.  Belle & Bri had a BLAST!!! She was laughing hysterically and crawled to the balcony door (still naked) and starts banging on the door as if she needs to be rescued from the clothes that are about to attack her, lol.  It was the highlight of our week.

NO!  Toby now shakes his head "NO" and laughs as he is doing it.  He is so proud of himself, and it's really cute.

Lana now crawls on all fours.  Well, it's kinda like she's hoping and pulling.  It's so adorable.  She's trying to catch up with her cousins.  Every time she crawls to something she wants, and works so hard to get to it, her cousins get there faster and snatch it away from her.  Brianna does it intentionally.  She is not happy if Lana has a toy, she has to get to her to get it away from her... even if she doesn't want it for herself.  One time, Lana was playing with a piano type toy and Brianna was in the walker with no way to reach Lana.  Well, needless to say Brianna got so angry that she wasn't able to get that toy away from Lana.  It was a bunch of frustrating screams whenever she looked Lana's way.  Brianna is not one be friendly with the others.  It's her way or the highway.  Angie, lots of luck with her when she becomes a teen!!! LOL.

Toby & Lana are friends.  They start smiling and playing together when they are together.  It's priceless to watch them get along.  They share their toys, and Lana looks like she looks up to him.  I can see them being BFFs. 

The unbelievable biter!!! Today Brianna was reaching for a toy and Toby was crawling over to her to play.  Well, I went to pick him up to get him ready for his nap and his little sister took a bite of poor Toby leaving a mark of 4 teeth and a small bruise.  Ohhhh how sweet it is to be just like Mama.... or is it?  This little "angel"  has anger management issues at this age?  This is gonna be interesting.   Toby cried & cried, but after about 15 minutes... he just forgave his sister so easily.  Let's hope that part of his personality stays that way.  He loves his sister.

I love seeing the new traits they develop.  Excited to see the next step.  For now, I'm going to rest. XOXO

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Twins are ONE? Already?

Yeah,  it's true.  These little babies are no longer babies... they are toddlers, lol.  They officially turned ONE on Wednesday April 7!  I still can't believe it.  Time is going by way to fast.  Before you know it Lana will be a year old, too.   I'm still living the surreal life as a mother and she's going to be 7 months tomorrow!

April 7, 2009 @ 6:45pm I got to hold my niece & nephew for the first time.  Since that moment my life has changed completely.  Who know I had so much love hiding inside of me, just waiting to come for.  It  was reserved for these 2 babies.  I found even more love when Lana was born... go figure. =P

Brianna 5lbs 4oz, 18 inches; Toby 7lbs, 19.5 inches.  Doesn't sound like a big difference, but look at them side by side and see what just 1 lb 12oz difference means in babies, lol.


Saturday, April 3, 2010


To the twins... didn't realize April fools is your last first holiday! You're going to be a year old!!! Last year you were born before Easter, so this year it's your 2nd Easter. =) Well, your mommy had an idea that we should play a trick on you for April fools... and here it is...

We dressed the girls up like boys and Toby like a girl.  We weren't too extreme with Toby, but he still can't pull of a pink stripped shirt! He is way too boy looking for girl clothes, lol.  But the girls definitely look like little boys!  It was fun and you "boys" enjoyed it more then Toby seemed to. =P  Don't worry Toby, we won't do this again to you, lol.

Brianna played a trick on Lana, too.  She used her as a chair and they both started laughing, lol.  April FOOLS! 

Hoppy Hoppy Easter!!!!  We had an early easter to celebrate together.  It was a lot of fun watching you 3 open up your easter baskets and play with your toys! Little Chicky for Lana from her Auntie, a blue lamb for Toby and a pink lamb for Brianna from Mommy! The hugged them immediately.  Love at first site. =P 
 Toby fell in love with his green bucket more then anything else.  He was probably plotting what to hide in there.  And here's Lana loving her yellow Chicky.

Lana was the first to find easter eggs that were hidden through out the place.  She spotted it from a few feet away and didn't give up until she reached them.  It was so cute to watch because she was so tired, but she made it to the end.  I couldn't be prouder!  Hopefully, she'll keep that mind set and go for her goals in life... when she knows what they are. =P
Brianna wanted to go outside.  She spent a good amount of time by the window.  It was a really pretty day and you couldn't help but want to go out and enjoy it.Unfortunately, that is something I can not manage alone. =P  Sorry kiddos! :)

Toby liked Lana's chicky, too.  He wanted to eat it's feet off, lol.

What a fun month we've had so far!  Can't wait to have more fun with you guys! <3