Friday, February 26, 2010

The attack of the crawlers!

Little Miss Brianna and Little Mister Toby are now mobile!!! Besides the fact that it's so adorable to watch them heading for what their hearts desire at that moment, it's also entertaining to see that what they want at that moment happens to NEVER be a toy.  You know all the toys we so much of our money on, lol.  Makes you wonder... hey why not just buy them a bunch of CDs they can just ruin and you don't feel bad, or how about a cell phone, lol.   It's all in fun of course, and their curious minds are just learning from everything they touch, taste, smell, etc.

Hard to believe pretty soon my little girl will be one of those crawling into trouble babies.  I'll be the mom yelling, "Don't push that button", "Don't pull on those wires", "Don't go there".  Ahhhhh this is gonna be so much fun! AND so much exercise running after these babies. LOL  I so am loving watching them grow!!!! <3

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Baby Food

So, I had some fresh bananas and decided I would try to make baby food.  I mean, it's pretty simple.  Banana, formula, and mash away. I made it for Lana and she liked it, she munched it all down.  It tasted like a banana smoothie.  It's kinda of sometimes to see that my sister always has to run out and get baby food.  I'm sure I'll be doing that myself soon, but in the meantime I'm pretty set.

Today was a day at Auntie Jen's place.  Had the 3 of them over while Tammy got to go to a space mission.  How cool is that!!! Well, I had extra bananas, and you know it.  I made more baby food for the twins.  The first spoon was for Toby.  He took it and his eyes lit up and said something like, ohhh Yum yum yum, lol.  Yes, he usually says that when he eats, but it was something special when you know you made it for them, and there's love in this food.  It was almost like they can taste the love in it.  They gobbled it all down, and I ended up making extra for my sister to take home for them.  Saves her sometime from going to the store for more food.  Well, once the fruits are back in session, I plan to make more of my own.  For now, it's banana, lol.  On my next trip to the grocery store, I'll pick up some other stuff, too.

I love being a proud auntie, mom, and sister! <3

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Poor Uncle Mike

After a few hours of watching the three babies in my place this time, my husband, Mike comes home.  He comes over to say hi to the babies and both Toby and Brianna went into a serious crying session.  Toby had one of his petrified cries and Brianna was more like a sad "don't take me" cries.  Lana then started to cry, too.  So, all the babies were balling because Uncle Mike came into the room.  Poor Uncle Mike.  He picked up Lana and walked out the room.  I told him to get his butt back in here, so the kids can get used to him.  After all he is their uncle, lol.  Brianna started laughing after some funny faces, and Toby... well, Toby just stabilized himself, lol.  Lana was hungry, so she ate and then napped.

It was a fun time with them at my place.  Everyone shared the toys.  They all hoped around from playpen, to exersaucer, to swing, and playmat.  At one point Brianna was in the Exersaucer and Lana in the swing and they were smiling at each other.  It was so adorable.  I wish I knew what they were thinking.  It was nice to see that they were all very entertained. So entertained that once they got home they passed right out (Their mommy told me).

Tomorrow is another adventure at my place. Should be all fun, giggles, and whines. =P

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I couldn't think of a better place to be, but with the 3 little babies I love.  Things were hectic, and there was a lack of napping, but it was fun.

I find that I have to entertain Tammy as well.  Keep her company, and give her things to do, so she doesn't feel neglected.  I can only hope I am doing a good job and making everyone happy.  The tight hugs I get from Tammy kinda tells me I am.  She is such a sweet girl... when she wants to be, lol.  Which usually is the case to me.  She doesn't say no to me.  That's probably because I won't take no for an answer and she knows that.   I even got her to do sit ups!!! And if was a bad sit up, I don't count it.  I will try to help her get her butt in gear.  Key word is TRY!!!  I have fun with her.

We laugh at the kids, and if I need a hand, she hold Lana for me while I care for the twins.  Lana loves her big cousin.  She has conversations and laughing sessions with her.  Her laugh is so adorable.  I think she gets super excited to be around the older babies, that she tries to stay up and learn from them as much as she could.

Toby is now standing, and standing proud!!! He lets us know how proud he is! While Brianna sits on her own and plays with her toys.  I can't wait for their first steps! Brianna I'm sure will be really excited to be able to walk over to where she wants to be.  I also think they'll make me work out once those steps start, lol.  I'll be running all over the place for them.

Well, Valentine's Day! I got them all dressed up.  Girls in bows, Boy is a nice button down that mommy left for him.  Lana passes out right before I wanted to start the photo shoot.  I set the twins up and they were not smiling for me at all...that is until Mommy wakes up and starts making a fool out of herself for their precious smiles.  Once that started, EVERY pictures was amazingly wonderful.  The pics tell a story.  Brianna's nose is all crinkled up from her laughter, and Toby's eyes get really small cause of his cheekiness.  It was great!!!

Unfortunately, I woke up Lana for the photo shoot.  I couldn't get one smile from her after that, but the pictures of the 3 of them together is to die for.  I look at this collect of memories over and over again.  And I just can't get over how much I am in love with these precious babies.  They are the reason I smile everyday.   I realize how much life is worth living for when I see them grow.  I look forward to their next milestones, but at the same time wish they wouldn't grow so fast.  They are so amazing!!!  And without even trying, they changed my life forever!<3

The girls are like BFFs.  They are so lucky to have each other.   It's like they are having a conversation already about their issues, lol.  Like in this pic, it's like Lana is telling Brianna, "You have no idea how bad my mom is at home.  She will not leave the camera alone!" LOLOL Love these girls!  I know they're keeping secrets already! =P

Here, Lana is wondering why Toby is so loud! Look at the facial expressions!

The girls clearly don't get what Toby is laughing at. 

Here is where Brianna looks like she's asking, "What'd you just call me??" And Toby, "Hehehe, you heard that? Oppps."

Friday, February 5, 2010

A baby pact...

I have this gut feeling these little babies planned a pact against their loving and wonderful babysitter, lol.  Yes, I am talking about me.  They woke up talking to each other like they usually do and laughing after each convo.  Then all of a sudden they are all fighting their sleep. One hour goes by, nothing.... Next hour, little one gets fussy, but doesn't wanna sleep.  Third hour, Toby couldn't take it anymore... he's out like a light, but the girls are staying strong...fussy, but awake and rubbing their eyes.  I end up getting them all comfy and playing Lana's favorite bedtime song, "So Close", from the Enchanted soundtrack.  Before the song ends, they are out.  Ahhhhhh.... they caved!!! WoooHoooo!!!! One catch, the one who fell asleep first, will wake up first!  Usually when that happens... he wakes the rest up.  I got an hour of peace and quiet.  It was nice.

The next day started earlier then usually cause little Lana woke everyone up at 6am with her screams.  Only plus to that is they had 2 naps from being tried.

So... tell me... why is it that babies fight there sleep?  Dreamland is so much nicer then reality.  I mean it must be for them, and the smiles they give when they are asleep shows pure serenity.  Smiles of joy.  Smiles of happiness.  Sometimes even a giggle sneaks out.  Babies should want to go to sleep.  I don't get it.

As I write this, little Lana is fighting her sleep in daddy's arms.  He's not handling it too well, so I'm going to give him a hand now. BBS...

Lana is now fast asleep.  I just wanted to come back to share some of these phone pictures. =) Enjoy!